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Energy storage

Produce, consume, store and sell your own electricity
Adjusted energy costs
Using stored energy when prices are high will save you money and lower your monthly costs.
Smart management
With the help of the application, you can precisely control the use of energy and manage costs.
Sustainable use
Maximize the use of renewable energy while reducing environmental impact.
A smart investment in a greener future
Energy produced from renewable sources can be used when the wind is not blowing, and the sun is not shining. The biggest concern with renewable energy is seasonality. What do solar park owners do in the evening after 5 PM or in winter?

An energy storage system can be charged directly from the grid when energy prices are low. During more expensive hours, the stored energy can be used for personal needs or sold back to the grid.
Devices accepted by Elektrilevi (list)
installed capacity
installed power
Energy trading
From 2025, the Baltic States must support frequency containment and regional frequency with two types of reserves – Frequency Containment Reserves (FCR) and Frequency Restoration Reserves (FRR). A trading market for both types of reserves will emerge.
Five steps to an energy storage solution
Contact us
Leave us your contact details and describe your vision in a few words.
We will make you an offer
If necessary, we will come to the site to find the best solution for you.
We obtain the necessary permits and prepare for installation
We prepare the design and formalize the necessary permits and documents. We help to apply to your network operator. This stage is the longest, because communication with different authorities can take almost 3 months.
We install the solution
We will agree a suitable time for the installation of the solution with you. Installation of the panels and battery will take a few days.
Start generating electricity yourself
Enjoy lower electricity bills and keep an eye on the environmentally friendly electricity output of your solar panels using your smartphone. For questions, breakdowns or maintenance, we are only a phone call away.
Send an inquiry
Consume wisely
With the help of real-time data, you can optimize energy consumption, reducing unnecessary costs and preventing energy loss. This means more control, lower bills and a smaller ecological footprint.
Tark energia juhtimine
Solar panel solutions
Solar panels help reduce dependence on grid electricity, guaranteeing you lower energy costs in the long term and ensuring cost predictability.
Solar energy solutions
What is an energy storage device and how does it work?

An energy storage device is a system that collects and stores energy for later use, helping to balance energy demand and supply. The work process is divided into three stages:

  1. Charging: Energy is obtained from the sun and converted into a storable form.
  2. Säilitamine: Energy is stored in chemical, mechanical or thermal form.
  3. Storage: The energy is converted back into usable electricity or heat.

Common solutions include lithium-ion batteries. Energy storage devices are important for the optimal use of renewable energy, as they allow energy to be consumed even during production interruptions.

Millised on salvestuslahenduste finantseerimisvõimalused?

Energiasalvestite, eriti liitium-ioonakude, peamised ohutusriskid hõlmavad järgmisi aspekte:

  1. Tulekahju ja plahvatusoht: Termiline ülekuumenemine, ülelaadimine või mehaanilised kahjustused võivad põhjustada akude süttimist või plahvatusi.
  2. Keemilised riskid: Akude kahjustumisel võivad eralduda mürgised gaasid (nt vesinikfluoriid) ning elektrolüütide lekked võivad olla korrosiivsed ja keskkonnale kahjulikud.
  3. Elektrilised ohud: Kõrge pinge ja ebakorrektne paigaldus võivad põhjustada elektrilööke ja lühiseid.
  4. Temperatuuritundlikkus: Akud on tundlikud äärmuslikele temperatuuridele, mis võib viia tõrgete ja ülekuumenemiseni.
  5. Keskkonnamõjud: Akude ebaõige utiliseerimine või lekked võivad saastada keskkonda.

Riskide minimeerimiseks on oluline tagada kvaliteetne disain, professionaalne paigaldus, kaitsemehhanismid ning süsteemi pidev järelvalve.

What are the benefits of energy storage?

The benefits of energy storage are as follows:

  1. Ensuring energy: Enable energy to be stored and used during production breaks, ensuring continuous supply even in the event of interruptions in renewable energy sources (e.g., solar panels).
  2. Increasing independence from the network: Reduce dependence on the electricity grid, enabling producers to optimize the consumption of self-produced energy and increase the autonomy of the energy system.
  3. Peak load management: Help reduce peak loads, which optimizes energy use and reduces fluctuations in electricity costs, providing greater cost efficiency.
  4. Integration of renewable energy: Optimize the use of renewable energy sources by storing overproduced energy and thereby reducing energy loss and increasing the overall efficiency of the system.

Security of energy supply: Ensure a continuous energy supply as a backup, reducing the impact of power outages and improving the reliability of the energy supply.

Can I use energy from energy storage to charge an electric car?

The stored energy can be used to charge an electric car. Very often, the battery capacity of an electric car is considerably larger. The capacity of the energy storage and the rated power of the inverter must be considered.

Kui ohutu on energiasalvesti minu kodus?

Kodused energiasalvestid on ohutud kui neid paigaldatakse ja hooldatakse vastavalt ohutusstandarditele sertifitseeritud ning professionaalse paigaldaja poolt. LFP akud on tunnduvalt ohutumad kui liitiumioon akud, mida kasutatakse autodes ning kodutehnikas. Liitium-ioon aku kahjustamisel tekib gaas, mis kokkupuutes hapnikuga tekitab põletamis reaktsiooni. Sellepärast me kuulame tihti autode ja telefonide süttimisest. LFP akude tehnoloogia on teistsugune. Kui LFP cell rikneb/katkeb sellist keemilist reaktsiooni ei toimu. Ehk aku ise põlema ei lähe, mis teeb kodulahenduste akud turvalisemaks.

Kas energiasalvestid töötavad ka voolukatkestuse ajal?

Jah, energiasalvestid töötavad ka elektrikatkestuse ajal kui süsteem on varustatud hübriid-inverteriga, mis toetab varutoite režiimi. Selline inverter suudab võrguühenduse katkemisel automaatselt lülituda energiasalvestile ja jätkata kodu varustamist elektriga. Süsteem peab olema piisava salvestusvõimsusega, et katta tarbimisvajadused katkestuse ajal.

Kui kaua energiasalvesti laadimine aega võtab?

Energiasalvesti täislaadimise periood sõltub energiasalvesti nimivõimsusest ning kasutusel oleva hübriid-inverteri nimivõimsusest. Enimlevivad nimivõimsused hübriid-inverterite puhul jäävad 10-15 kWh vahemikku ning energiasalvestid 15-30 kWh. Näiteks: 15 kWh hübriid-inverter suudab täis laadida 30 kWh energiasalvesti kahe (2) tunni jooksul.

Is a grid inverter also suitable for using an energy storage device?

A hybrid inverter is suitable for use as an energy storage device, which can both store energy from solar panels and, if necessary, direct energy from the battery or network to home use.

How is the energy storage device compatible with solar panels?

The energy storage device is compatible with solar panels by storing excess solar energy that can be used later, such as at night or in cloudy weather. A hybrid inverter manages energy flows by converting the electricity produced by the panels for immediate consumption or storage in batteries. When the solar panels are not producing energy, what is stored in the battery is used, reducing dependence on the grid and reducing electricity costs. When the battery is fully charged, excess energy can be fed back into the grid. This system increases energy independence and optimizes costs.

Kas energiasalvesti aitab mul elektriarvet vähendada?

Can the energy storage device help me reduce my electricity bill?

An energy storage device helps to reduce electricity bills, especially if you use renewable energy, i.e. solar panels. The main ways in which an energy storage can help save costs:
1. Shifting consumption to cheaper hours: By storing electricity when the price of electricity is low (e.g., at night) and using it during peak hours when the price is higher.
2. Optimization of renewable energy: If you have solar panels, you can store the energy produced during the day but not immediately used and consume it later, for example in the evening, instead of buying more expensive electricity from the grid.

Reducing network charges: technical maintenance work: In some places, network charges are also applied to the consumption depending on the peak consumption level. By storing energy and using it to reduce load, these charges can be reduced.

Kui palju energiasalvesti lahendused maksavad ja milline on nende tasuvusaeg?

Energiasalvesti lahenduste maksumus ja tasuvusaeg sõltuvad kasutatavast tehnoloogiast, süsteemi suurusest ning rakendusalast.
Peamised tegurid tasuvusaja määramisel: 

  1. Energiakulude kokkuhoid;.
  2. Elektrihinna kõikumine (tipptundidel salvestatud energia müük).
  3. Süsteemi efektiivsus ja hoolduskulud.
Kui pikk on energiasalvestite eluiga?

Energiasalvestite eluiga sõltub tehnoloogiast ja kasutustingimustest.

Meie tooteportfelli kuuluvad ainult Liitium-ioonakud ning eluiga on neil 15 aastat või 6000 laadimistsüklit. Peale seda on akud 70%. Eluea määravad laadimistsüklid, töötemperatuur ja hooldus

Kuidas toimub energiasalvestite laadimine ja tühjendamine?

Energiasalvestite laadimine ja tühjendamine toimub läbi elektrokeemiliste protsesside ja elektroonilise juhtimise:

  1. Laadimine: Salvesti võtab elektrit allikast (nt päikesepaneelid). Liitiumiioonid liiguvad katoodist anoodi. Laadimiskontroller reguleerib voolu ja pinget, et vältida ülelaadimist.
  2. Tühjendamine: Energiavajaduse korral liiguvad ioonid anoodist tagasi katoodi, vabastades elektrit. Inverter muudab alalisvoolu (DC) vahelduvvooluks (AC). Süsteem jälgib aku taset, et vältida ületühjenemist.

Protsessi juhitakse elektrooniliselt, tagades tõhususe ja ohutuse.

Want more information? Feel free to write or give me a call.
We’ve made the process as simple and quick as possible, so you can get exactly what you need. Contact me, and I’ll find the perfect solution for you.
Riko Petrov
Sales manager
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